November neighborhoods

Everyday, if the weather permits, I take Monroe for a walk in the afternoon over my lunch break. Oftentimes I find myself thinking a lot during these walks, reflecting and wondering. How crazy to think how different life can become, how drastic the changes can be from one year to the next. How easily people…

Ridgeway Avenue

Ridgeway Avenue We live in the gray/blue house with two doors and a black rod-iron fence.  We live inside the door that says number “2”, the first floor of three. The house is long and the rooms are too small but the light that floods into the living room opens the home.  The office is…

Round 2

Chicago. We meet again. Hello all. I have returned to Chicago as the world has slowly began to crawl back out of it’s shell. This place that I bid a firm farewell to, with hopes of never needing to see again, has called my husband and I back for one more round. I will admit,…

It’s the little things

When you wake up in the morning, do you lay there for a moment in bed and think about things that you are thankful for? Do you look forward to certain moments throughout the day that give you small pieces of joy? If you don’t, maybe you should. In my every day, as soon as…

Things I miss about home|NE

  I miss the slow-pace. Don’t get me wrong, I love the difference in the environment here! But I enjoyed being able to drive everywhere, where traffic was hardly busy, and being able to get from one place to another in my own car. I miss knowing where everything is and where the city starts…

Learning through life together

“If I had a flower for every time I thought of you… I could walk through my garden forever.” – Alfred Tennyson    

Cream and Stevia

5:00am. Alarm goes off. I get up, wake my husband, and we get ready for the gym. We take a scoop of pre-workout and head to the apartment Snap Fitness. 6:30am. We head upstairs, sweaty and sore from a good weight-lifting session. My husband heads for the shower and I head for the kitchen. I…

Spooky season

It is that time of year again! FINALLY! Spooky season is upon us my fellow witches and warlocks. For those of you who are unaware, I absolutely love Halloween. It is my favorite time of year and I get so excited for the decorations and the feeling of it all. I love it so much,…


  I can’t believe it is September already. Man, how August flew by I have no idea. Every day I wake up and feel as though the seconds tick by faster than the day before. It’s a cloudy Sunday, the first of the new month, in the city and my husband has gone to the…

A skyline storm

The rain taps against the windows that tower above the sidewalks below. They run down the stories of structures that scatter the big city before the drops splash to the concrete. A mist moves in across the big lake and hovers over the water, growing in density and clouding around the many buildings that make…